Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Never Say Never

That's what I said. 
For the last five years my opinion of blogging has evolved, starting out with the simple question, "What is a blog, anyways?" When I found out that it is really just a glorified journal posted online for the world to see, my next question was, "Who in the world would ever want the world to read their journal? Why would anyone want to share their innermost feelings with cyberspace? Tisk. Crazy people." I rolled my eyes and forgot about the subject. Then, of course, my family had to get involved. I think my brother and sister started their blogs around the same time, Kate's blog serving the purpose of keeping us all up to date with her travels abroad, and Joe's being a daily photo safari. My thoughts: "Hmm. That's cool." I was still in high school, living at home, where the community desktop was set to Joe's photo blog. I took guilty pleasure in looking forward to seeing a new photo post everyday, still in denial thinking "Pshh. Stupid blogs." My parents soaked up this new way of communicating long distance and urged me to start a blog. "Are you insane? I live with you! If you want to know anything about my life, just ask! I'm not going to publish it online!" To which my dad would say, "But it's so hard to get through to you, I just want to know what your thoughts are!" There's a reason thoughts are internal, and mine weren't about to venture any further than my brain cavity. Thank you very much. 
So a couple of years go by, I graduated and moved to Utah, finally giving my parents a legitimate reason to even discuss the idea of blogging. Ok. I'll think about it. K, Thought about it. And the answer was still a firm NO. No No No No way Jose. Sarah, my other sister, and my dad had started blogs and were getting into them as well now. Peer pressure? I think not. Occasionally my mom would ask, "Did you read the latest entry on Sarah's blog?" Nope. (Sorry Sarah.) That's one way to abruptly end a conversation. Lucky parents, once Kate started having kids, she would post photos on her blog, and of course, her being hundreds of miles away and me loving to dote on my niece and nephew (who are the cutest humans alive) I of course had to have her site as a favorite so as to check it regularly. 
Ok, so I've been sitting on this issue for 4+ years, letting the idea of blogging settle inside me, when I make the crucial decision to subscribe to Kate's blog. Yes. No more, "oh I feel like checking up on my sister's life." I deliberately made the decision to receive emails whenever she updated her posts. I genuinely enjoyed reading what she had to say! How could this be?! After a month or so of updates, I decided to rethink blogging. After all, I am getting married (less than three weeks away!), I finished school, and I have made substantial life changes in the last year including eating raw(er), working out, managing my money, breaking a terrible lifelong nail biting habit (to name a few accomplishments). Why not share? So after years, literally, of throwing this idea in my head, I have decided to spit it out, and give you: Dot's Blog. I am hesitant, I am nervous, I am excited, anxious, and a little doubtful that anyone will even care for it. But here it is anyways. The name is suiting, seeing as my thoughts are gold to me, but possibly trash to you (compost), but hey! Compost is a good thing! And it's fresh, meaning, well, depending on how often I decide to update this, there will be new posts to sift through. Enjoy and please comment (be nice!)


  1. Haha, I LOVE the title of this blog. It's awesome. And the background sort of looks like compost I guess. It's so great. I'm so excited to subscribe to your blog, and I'm also excited for you guys to get MARRIED! Woohoo! <3 Kate

  2. Way to go, Dottie! and ... welcome to the 21st century.

    I hope you'll post some of those recipes you're trying out, along with what to look out for... I mean, if you've tried them and found the pitfalls, that would save a lot of trouble...

    Meanwhile, if you'd like to catch up on all the geometry you missed from Mr. Bagley, or if you'd just like a glimpse into my classroom, check out wshs-geometry.blogspot.com.

    Less than 3 weeks now! And Mama is ordering flowers at this very moment.

  3. Dot, you are very funny, and I'm so glad you began a blog-- mostly because you're entertaining me! But seriously, I think I can speak for generally everyone when I say we're happy to be able to know you better through your blog.

    -Mykle Law

  4. What's next--ME blog???!!!! Way to go, Dot!

  5. Nice encouragement, Kate. "Your background looks like compost!" Hah. At least it doesn't look like a real estate website!

    I'm glad you're blogging, Dot, since I don't get to see you nearly as much as I'd like and I love to read about what you're doing and thinking. Also, you are HILARIOUS! I honestly think you are a natural writer. And I'm jealous that you came up with such a cool blog name. Mine sucks in comparison! Hey, my next choice was "Sarah's Blog." That would have been worse.

    Mom, if you got a blog, I'd read it!

  6. Thanks Sarah! I appreciate the encouragement..Michael and I brainstormed for a while to create the name. "Dot's Blog" doesn't sound that great either. That was actually the biggest reason I didn't start a blog months ago; I was stumped for a name..ha it's amazing how stupid things like that can hinder progress
