Monday, May 14, 2012

What me eat!

Whenever anyone asks me about what I'm eating (only happens about 20+ times a day), I just want to refer them to this video. Please watch!

What most people don't realize (or choose not to believe) is that there is NO vitamin, mineral, or vital nutrient, nada zip zilch that is in ANY animal product that is not more bio-available and abundant, more easily assimilated, not to mention not packaged in fat, cholesterol, puss, guts, hormones, antibiotics, than ANY plant product. (The ONLY vitamin in question is b12, which is not an issue with availability, but rather a person's absorption. More than 1/3 of people are thought to be b12 deficient, so it is obviously not a vegan problem.)

The ONLY problem people have with eating their fruits and veggies is eating ENOUGH. An apple a day is not enough! "Naturally flavored" drinks do not count! Chocolate covered anything is not real fruit!

Real fruit is intact in its natural state. It has all of it's fiber and water, all of its vitamins and minerals, it comes dirty (from the ground), it grew naturally from the sunshine, and its bright colors are meant to attract you. It is perfectly designed to be eaten, thereby passing its seeds through you, and when it comes out the other end, in a perfect fertilized package to grow again. The ease of eating fruit blows my mind. 1. Pick it up 2. Put it in your mouth. How much easier can it get??

Whether you're vegan, raw, vegetarian, omnivore, whether you're a family, friend, or co-worker reading this, whether you're active, sick, healthy, fit, or tired of feeling tired, whatever your situation is: I ask you to eat a piece of fruit today! Splurge on your favorite item. Savor the sweet juiciness. Eat it fresh, eat it ripe. Enjoy the new season of summer upon us! There is NO end to the variety of fruits and vegetables available to us. Try something new! Do it today! And feel confident that you are making the right choice for your body.

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